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汽车江湖网      2023-07-01 10:10:51      小编体验

Ferrari, one of the most iconic names in the automotive industry, has a fascinating origin story. The company was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1947, but the name actually predates the establishment of the brand.


Enzo Ferrari, a former race car driver and team manager for Alfa Romeo, had always dreamed of starting his own car company. He began working on his first car in 1940, but World War II interrupted his plans. When the war ended, he finally had the opportunity to make his dream a reality.


But what to name the new company? Ferrari considered using his own name, but ultimately decided against it. Instead, he opted for the name of his friend and fellow race car driver, Count Francesco Baracca.

Baracca had been a hero during World War I, flying for the Italian Air Force and earning 34 victories. He painted a prancing horse on the side of his plane, which became his symbol. When Baracca was killed in action in 1918, Ferrari was deeply affected by the loss of his friend.

Years later, when Enzo Ferrari was searching for a name for his new company, he remembered Baracca's prancing horse symbol. He decided to use it as the logo for his cars, and named the company Ferrari in honor of his friend.

The prancing horse logo has become synonymous with Ferrari, and is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. It represents not only the speed and power of Ferrari cars, but also the company's proud Italian heritage and the memory of a brave and talented friend.
